Dear corona,
I got so many questions and I need answers
Why take our brothers and sisters
Why take our fathers and mothers
Why take our kids and leave these gangsters
Why take our friends and lovers
Why take doctors and farmers
Why take buyers and sellers
Why make us feel like losers
We are stuck in a cage
With bills we can’t manage
With no pay with no wage
Forgive my rage
But it feels like the end of the page
I don’t wanna die young, I wanna age
But you make me feel like am in the final stage
So much you sabotage
You goddess of isolation and monogamy
You have wrecked our economy
You’ve caused us so much pain and agony
We can’t live in peace and harmony
Because of you we postpone a ceremony
How do you simply enjoy the monotony?
Someday I will give a testimony
In your conviction, a pathogen, a felony
Am tired of wearing this mask
I can’t execute any task
I got a question I need to ask
Do you know i can’t bask
Do you know am caged from dawn to dusk
What are you musk
They say you choke more than husk
And dehydrate like rusk
Why are you so wild?
I wish you were a little tame
Your effects are not mild
Protection is lame
You destroy everything we build
You and my government are the same
Reckless like a child
Doing anything for fame
Eight minutes in the air
Do you have any virus friends?
Yuck you isn’t fair
You stick even on my trends
You everywhere I have to cover my nose, mouth and even hair
All days even weekends
I can’t sit on a public chair
Cause you could be on both ends
Tell me what you want
Am willing to pay you to leave
You scare, you haunt
Even those who want to live
So many dead, I’ve lost my count
The world has no solution you’ve trapped us in a cave
Mr. President, pay corona any amount
Thereafter we party and rave
I couldn’t afford my apartment
Now I live in a tent for rent
Normalcy has been bent
Restricted movement
No money, unemployment
Displacement by my government
More risks no entertainment
You are a complete definition of imprisonment
Allow me to bargain
Cause I have given up and tired
Allow mw to board the next train
Go home because I was fired
I’ve tried to survive in the city all in vain
Am not rich am not retired
Nothing to gain, just pain
My joy has expired
I’m done here, listen if you can hear
Am done with trauma and fear
Your chaos I can’t bear
I’m done wearing protective gear
Am done watching you take everyone so dear
Am done living like am expecting nuclear
Take me, every tissue apart you tear
But everybody else you stay clear.