Mother’s day
I could have said a simple happy mothers day
But it won't last it won't stay
Lemme make a video, music, or poetry
Which won't feel like foul play
Dress you as you wanna slay
Your safety I pray
And tonight I'll sing a lullaby
Lots of love I display
Nine months in your womb
Nine hours in the labor room
How I formed a huge bump
But you still let me blossom
As a little thing, you made me bloom
Some buried theirs in a tomb
You tickled me to kill boredom
You had a choice mom
But you chose me over prom
You did everything right
You tucked me at night
You assured me its gonna be alright
You hug me so tight
You are my light
You made my future bright
Because of you my ways are straight
I wanna thank you for the struggle and every fight
The quick beautiful massages
The sweet short messages
The cute adorable images
I still flip my album pages
I can't forget my outrages
How I scratch you and left you in bandages
But you stayed for all these ages
You chose me over the disadvantages
I still remember how I nibbled your nipple
You smiled and hid it from people
Am the reason your back is almost cripple
You carried me for love and example
I made your problems triple
shamelessly crying for an apple
And still chose me, damn so simple
Mama, you're my Jesus and I'm your disciple
You changed my diapers
Disciplined me with a pair of slippers
You never minded the gossipers
Thereafter love whispers
I will never forget my first sneakers
How I felt like Eminem and other rappers
My tiny eyes glowing at you my keeper
You are my hero, my superwoman
You could have had an abortion
But you didn't consider it as an option
Even with the least commotion
You gave me your protection
Was it a love portion,
Or we simply had a connection?
Mama, enough was your affection
You bridged me to my ambition
You took me to school
You gave me every tool
You even made me a virtual pool
You got me a study stool
Because you saw a star, not a fool
The sneakers made me feel so cool
I remember a morning I woke up with a drool
How you giggled and cleaned me with wet wool
I got so many things to say
Time won't allow, so this quickie I lay
Your love I can't repay
You trust I can't betray
I promise you to love in every way
I will walk you the streets for display
A guardian angel you portray
Because of you a better than yesterday
Thank you, mama
Someday I will get you a Prado or a hammer
Save you all the troubles and trauma
Make you famous like Barrack Obama
But today, I will make you some sweet aroma
Let's break the rules and ignore corona
Lemme dance for you and cause a little drama
I owe and love you, mama.
By: @EcEssie