The G-Spot
This was my spot. Green. Serene. Calm with clear waters. The clarity allowed me to see the gravel on the river bed. There was a gradual increase in depth to the deepest bit, water flowing slightly above my breasts. The place I could go, strip, and swim naked without the fear of being rudely interrupted. No stalkers. Just me against nature. Here I was allowed to literally shake my body to dry off excess water, to soak my hair as I dived, and then let the water slowly drip down off my back. I was allowed to think about nothing, just feel the slow deliberated caress of the waters as they flowed through my crevices and arches.
I was not shy. I was not ashamed of the fact that the trees were watching my nipples erect with the slight touch of a cold breeze. The river's tongue slowly licked every inch of me and made me moan for more. Somehow I enjoyed every single moment. I swam like five hundred meters, held my breath and sat on the river bed for two minutes, and lay on my back as the sun kissed my foreparts.
This was my Saturday routine. Spend three hours in the water, two hours lying naked on the grass and let the sun do its magic, then dress up and go home looking clean and fresh though pale. Yeah, my melanin can be very loud without sunscreen.
One day my norm was halted. This fateful afternoon, I went to my spot and there was an intruder on the other side. Stark. Wow. I could clearly see his butt and masculine back. Broad. His hair dripping. Seemed like he had just had a swim. Then he dived. Maybe it was a mermaid, I thought. I have been visiting this place for five years and nobody has ever been here. Maybe I’m making it all up. I told myself.
I crouched behind the bushes and waited for the mystery man to reappear. Three long minutes. Damn, that's one of your wild imaginations my brain told me. Snap out of it lady. My brain shouted. He will be back. I argued. I pinched myself. Wake up. This is your horny soul dreaming. I hate when my two versions argue. Argh. Stop it you two. I tell them. Then, gradually his head emerged from the water. This time, facing me. My brain stops, my hairs hastily erect and goosebumps spread all over my body. I could feel my heart racing. What a creation! I'm bewildered by what I see.
………………………………….Part Two……………………………………….
Tell him to get the hell out of your spot. Stalk him. My brain starts arguing again. I know curiosity killed the cat but the only cat in me can not die, I tell the innocent version of me. I just want to see what male features look like, maybe they are ridges, bumps, tunnels, crevices, I do not know and I wanna know. I smile at the thought. Look girl look, the brave version starts again, I don’t know if I can, the shy version argues, shut up I wanna focus, I interrupt them. I’m starting to freeze, I want to dive in the water but can’t let him know that I’m here.
Well, I choose to be the silent stalker and look. From the head, I could tell I wanted to see the other head too. Bushy but well-kept beards. I carefully comb my fingers through them, then trace his mustache with my index finger. It slips and lands on his lower lip, slightly opening them and exposing his white teeth. Nice lips. I drift to the explosion that could be created if his lips fused with my lower lips as his beards gently rub my clit. The thought makes me a little drippy. I smile, then quickly gain composure to avoid betraying my excitement. Damn, he is handsome. I want to understand his structure, architecture, design, and even his mental capability. I traverse to ears, perfect design it is. His neck, strong and firm. I try to fit my arms around his neck but my hands are too small. My brain gets a bit naughty and thinks about where my small hands can fit. Laughing.
I look at his broad shoulders and then fit perfectly in his well-built chest as his large, strong arms wrap me. I feel the warmth of his skin against mine. The rhythm of his heartbeat as my erect nipples slightly rub his core. Slowly is manhood rise and I could feel strong pressed on my thighs. Every spring on my body was suddenly activated. I could feel seepage through my lower lips. If not controlled I was sure I was going to start dripping like melting ice in winter.
I slip my hands between my thighs. I slightly open my legs to prevent choking my wrist to death. My fingers gently careless the moist lips as I enjoy the oxytocin taking control of my muscles. My sweat poles open and my legs give up ready to take him in, I moan a little. “Hahaha you must like that trunk”, my wild imagination is interrupted by one of my versions. “ She does, did you see her rub her clit?”, the other version giggles. “I was waiting for her to scream”, the other version inputs. “Y’all crazy. He is gone. Lemme swim in peace”, I smile and dive into the water.
………………………part three coming soon………………….